Any opinions on how the humour and characters of Sam & Max have changed throughout the series?

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

Recently, I’ve been playing through some of the earlier Sam & Max video games, comic books, and even the animated series again, and it made me realise how much the humour and characters have changed over time.

There has been a great deal of development and evolution from the early comic book days to the more current Telltale Games series. This is evident in both the visual style and Sam & Max’s interactions with their surroundings.

For instance, I’ve noticed that the humour in the early comics was a little bit dirtier and darker, whereas the humour in the later games—particularly the Telltale series—tended to be more ludicrous and surreal. Additionally, the animation style changed from having more conventional, exaggerated forms to having a polished, modern appearance.

The fundamental qualities of Max as the erratic, chaotic force of nature and Sam as the prim-rose, mildly sarcastic investigator, however, do not alter in spite of these adjustments.

I’m interested to know what you think about this evolution. Which version of the characters—the older, more unadulterated ones or the ones from more recent years—do you prefer? Which particular scenes, from the animated series, video games, or comic books, do you think best capture the essence of Sam & Max? :thinking: And how has the humour stood up over time, in your opinion? :thinking:

Thank you :pray: in advance.