Ask Steve Purcell your question


The name Steve Purcell should ring a bell. As the award-winning creator of the Sam & Max series, Steve first brought the pair to life through his comics, later releasing them into the world of video games and television. It’s my very great pleasure that Steve has agreed to answer some of your questions in an interview for the site.

Leave your question in the comments below, and if it’s good enough then it’ll be asked to the man himself. It’s one per user, so make it count. Obviously make your questions appropriate, but be imaginative – do you really want to know what Steve’s favourite cereal is? Maybe you do, but there’s probably something more interesting you could ask.

Remember, you need an account on the site to comment, so go register here. It’s quick, easy and fast. The closing date for questions is Monday 15 March. Your question is not guaranteed to be answered.

Update: the questions have been answered here.