Different voice actor for Max in Poker Night 2


Here’s something a bit strange: in Poker Night 2, Max isn’t voiced by William Kasten as he usually is in the Telltale games. Instead, Dave Boat takes over the vocals.

I didn’t notice the change at all, but it makes you wonder why William Kasten didn’t lend his voice. Thanks to Tora Netwon Y for spotting it on the Telltale forums. I’ll update if Telltale comments on the matter.

Also, according to TV Tropes, during the game Claptrap asks Sam what’s next for Telltale. In response, Sam says he’s just glad someone touched up the models of him and Max. I haven’t heard this dialogue myself yet, but it’s certainly interesting if true. Could season four be in production? Or is Sam merely showing his appreciation that Telltale are still looking after him despite the lack of a new game? I’ll hold out hope and go with the former.