Information on poster set?

Back in 2006 or 2007 Telltale Games sold a set of two Sam & Max posters - I ordered them at the same time as one of the sketchbooks. One was a strip of Max shooting up a Western saloon to get a table, the other was a scene of Sam & Max at home which apparently is titled “Our Bewildering Universe”. Both were signed by Steve Purcell.

I had sort of assumed that Telltale produced this set, but I see people selling them individually which suggests they were originally sold separately, presumably by someone else. Telltale probably explained where they came from at the time but I don’t remember any details.

Does anyone have any additional information?

I could be mistaken, but I do think you’re right in the assumption that Telltale produced these. I also think they sold them individually, though they might have bundled them too. Telltale sold a variety of signed and unsigned Sam & Max prints over the years, available exclusively through their online store.