Poker Night 2 officially announced


We’ve known it all along, but Poker Night 2 has now been officially announced by Telltale. Screenshots were leaked back at the end of March, disclosing the fact that Sam would be joining Brock Samson (Venture Bros), Claptrap (Borderlands) and Ash Williams (Army of Darkness) for some rounds of poker.

Telltale’s official site offers up some more info (keep your eyes out for Max wandering around!) as well as a trailer, embedded below. Some small screenshots show that everything from the surrounding environment, table, cards and the character’s clothes can be customized. Speaking of clothes, you might notice that Sam’s suit looks slightly different. This is apparently so that it looks closer to Steve Purcell’s original drawings. What do you reckon?

As in the previous Poker Night, playing the game will get you unlocks in Team Fortress 2 (if playing through Steam on PC/Mac) and also in Borderlands 2 (across all platforms). These include a Max mask for the Mechromancer in Borderlands 2 and Sam’s hat in TF2.

Poker Night 2 will be launching “soon” for PC, Mac, XBLA and PSN. Disappointingly, I might add, without multiplayer.