Who is your favorite out of the duo? Sam or Max? Tell me why you think so!
Sam is my favorite because hes got a lot of charm and wit, he’s got that aura that radiates “This would be the person to quote obscure black and white detective shows”. He’s very close to me and I personally love him the most out of any character that I’ve liked.
I’ve never really considered which one is my favourite. I’d change my answer each day if you forced me to say. I see them as an inseparable duo that work best because of their dynamic. I think Max often gets more love because he’s the more zany of the two, especialy in Telltale’s games, so it’s fun to hear that you prefer Sam.
Oh I might as well! Sam is my absolute favorite out of both of em. I love Max but Sam…oh. I don’t know the right words…He just has this air about him. He’s also so freaking adorkable. He gives me this feel of…something familiar. Something I lost ages ago. It’s hard to be sad when I’m watching Sam crack a joke.
Well, the answer is a bit obvious, but as a Sam cosplayer, it’s obviously Max, I mean, Sam is cool and all, but something about max never fails to make me laugh, though I don’t think you could choose between two great characters.